In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, digital visiting cards have become universal networking tools, embraced by individuals and enterprises globally.

In a world interconnected by networks spanning over 180 countries, the tradition of exchanging visiting cards endures as a cornerstone of global networking. With over 10 billion business cards printed annually in the United States alone, the significance of exchanging contact information remains palpable amidst burgeoning social and professional networks.

Yet, amidst this tradition, a new phenomenon has emerged—one that promises to revolutionize networking in 2024: the digital visiting card.

Digital Visiting Card in Easy Words

A digital visiting card, also known as a digital business card (DBC), is a virtual rendition of its traditional paper counterpart. Variously referred to as smart business cards, mobile business cards, or electronic name cards, these digital cards are typically accessible through mobile applications. Once you download a digital business card app—such as Sailax DBC, the top-rated visiting card app available on both the App Store and Google Play Store.

You can effortlessly create and share your digital visiting card directly from your smartphone. Additionally, DBC offers a convenient web app for those who prefer managing their business cards from their computer.

Why are Digital Visiting Cards Important?

In 2024, digital visiting cards are anticipated to emerge as the most potent networking tool. Their importance stems from various factors, but let’s explore the top four reasons for their significance:

1. Digital visiting cards can be sent and received by anyone, anywhere.

In the past, exchanging business cards necessitated face-to-face meetings. However, digital cards have transcended this limitation. Unlike traditional paper cards, digital visiting cards can be shared asynchronously with anyone, regardless of their location.

Whether you’re in a bustling city or a remote village, as long as you have access to a smartphone or computer, you can effortlessly create, send, and receive digital cards at your convenience.

2. Digital cards contain more information.

Digital business card apps, such as DBC, offer an expansive canvas for your professional details compared to traditional paper cards. While physical cards are confined to a small space, digital cards empower you to include an array of information. With DBC’s platform, users can integrate interactive links, embed YouTube videos, attach PDF documents, showcase badges, and more.

The richness of information enhances your digital card’s utility and impact, a feature that paper cards simply cannot replicate.

3. Digital business cards are cost-effective and eco-friendly.

Unlike traditional paper visiting cards, digital business cards offer the advantage of real-time updates. If there’s a typo or you receive a promotion, you can swiftly edit your information without the hassle of reprinting cards. This not only saves time and money but also reduces paper waste. Consider this: over seven million trees are felled annually solely for business cards.

Embracing digital alternatives contributes to environmental sustainability, making it a prudent choice for cost-effective and eco-friendly networking.

4. Get a better return on your investment.

Virtual business cards offer a plethora of features compared to traditional paper ones, enhancing sales efficiency, enabling compelling marketing, ensuring brand consistency, and supporting event outreach, among others.

According to DBC’s research, sharing virtual business cards leads to a remarkable 7X increase in follow-ups, and directs traffic to your website, social media profiles, phone numbers, and much more. Explore the comprehensive breakdown in our ROI deep dive to uncover the full potential.

Where Can I Get a Digital Card?

Numerous digital visiting card apps exist, but Sailax DBC comes highly recommended. DBC was among the pioneering platforms in the market and boasts millions of users, ranging from individuals to Fortune 500 corporations.

Signing up for DBC is swift, straightforward, and free. You can create an account on DBC’s website or download the mobile app on iOS or Android. What sets DBC apart is that upon signing up, you gain instant access to other invaluable networking features, including email signatures, virtual backgrounds, and a smart address book.

Should you opt for a DBC account and seek further customization for your card, explore DBC’s digital visiting card subscriptions. These plans cater to both individuals and companies, offering affordable access to additional features and customizations like branded QR codes, custom links, digital visiting cards for the entire team, and more.

How Do I Make a Digital Visiting Card?

Once you download the Sailax DBC app, you can swiftly begin crafting your card by inputting essential details such as your name, job title, company, and a photo or video.

Your card will be generated, offering room for further customization. Enhance it by incorporating your logo, social media profiles, preferred payment apps, website, and more—Sailax DBC allows you to personalize your card to reflect your unique identity.

For insights on what to include on your digital business card, refer to our comprehensive guide on crafting the perfect digital visiting card.

Sharing Your Digital Visiting Card

The process of sharing digital visiting cards varies among apps, but with Sailax DBC, you have numerous options at your disposal:

  • QR code
  • Email
  • Text or SMS
  • WhatsApp
  • Copy link
  • NFC
  • Social media

For in-person networking, swiftly share your card using its QR code. Just access the Send screen and have the recipient scan your code with their camera. For virtual networking, utilize email, text message, or any preferred communication platform. You can even embed it into a custom professional email signature.

While digital business cards are typically the smart choice over NFC cards, Sailax DBC also offers a near-field communication (NFC) card-sharing option. While some other business card apps charge you a premium for their NFC services, Sailax DBC lets you create an NFC card for free—all you need is an NFC tag.

Are These Business Cards Still Relevant in 204?

Digital business cards remain extremely relevant in 2024. Digital visiting cards are poised to lead the networking landscape due to their innovation, accessibility, and positive environmental impact. As long as relationships remain pivotal in professional interactions, the enduring relevance of business cards is assured.

Expect this timeless networking tool to persist well into the future as well.